Travel Vista
A travelling Solo RPG System
What is Travel Vista?
Travel Vista is a minimalistic solo-first pen and paper roleplaying game that is designed to be played during trips, or anywhere else where the the paraphernalia of traditional role playing is not welcome.
All you'll need to play is:
- This Rule book. (Plus any suppliments or additional oracles/generators that strike your fancy.)
- A watch with a stop watch function. (Or two ten sided dice of different colours)
- A notebook. It can be small. It can be big. you sacrifice stealth for usability the bigger you go.
- A pen or pencil. I like pocketable fountain pens, but you do you.
Travel Vista's Philosophy
Preparation is Play
Fiction First (But it doesn't have to be a complete story)
Everything is a Tool (Even the rules)
Your Creativity is the Greatest Tool of All
Your Enjoyment comes First
Basic Rules
Action dice
Stakes and Difficulty
Improv Dice
How to get Random Results from a Stop Watch
How to Start?
Intro text here
What do you want to play?
Building a World